- Stazioni in provincia di Avellino della Rete Sismica IX Irpinia Seismic Network, Italy

Irpinia seismic network is the infrastructure of the Irpinia Near – Fault Observatory (INFO). ISNet is a dense, six-component high-resolution seismic network of 31 stations deployed in Southern Apennines (Italy) along the active fault system responsible for the 1980, November 23, Ms 6.9 Campania – Lucania earthquake. ISNet is an on-the-field laboratory aimed at characterizing the mechanical processes occurring along the Southern Apennines fault systems from the detailed analysis of the microseismicity and the role of fluids in seismicity generation. ISNet is also the backbone of Earthquake Early warning systems tested in Italy.

- Stazioni in provincia di Avellino della Rete Sismica IV Italian Seismic Network

The Italian National Seismic Network (Italian: Rete Sismica Nazionale, RSN) is the nationwide permanent seismological network operated by the National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology (Italian: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV) with contributions from collaborating institutions and observatories. Initially, it was deployed mainly as a seismic monitoring facility and over the years has grown both in quantity and in quality of the installed instruments. Thereby it also gained importance as a valuable research infrastructure. It now consists of various types of seismic sensors, i.e. short period, broadband and accelorometric instruments, which are collocated at many sites, and it is the largest Italian seismological network by number of sensors and by geographical extent. All stations are connected to the datacentre through a variety of technologies and are transmitting sensor data in real time. Data is distributed through the Orfeus European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA) federation and International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) standard protocols under an open definition compliant license.

- Stazioni della Rete Sismica 5H FURTHER seismic network

The FURTHER seismic network is a temporary network installed in the Southern Apennines seismic belt (Italy). The survey area (about 30x30 km2)surrounds  the Mefite D’Ansanto deep CO2 degassing site, located at the northern tip of the faults activated during the M6.9 1980 Irpinia earthquake.

- Stazioni in Provincia di Avellino della Rete R.A.N. - Rete accelerometrica nazionale D.P.C.

La Ran - Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale, è una rete di monitoraggio che registra la risposta del territorio italiano al terremoto, in termini di accelerazioni del suolo.

I dati prodotti permettono di descrivere nel dettaglio lo scuotimento sismico nell’area dell’epicentro, consentono di stimare gli effetti attesi sulle costruzioni e sulle infrastrutture, sono utili per gli studi di sismologia e di ingegneria sismica e possono contribuire a definire l'azione sismica da applicare nei calcoli strutturali per la ricostruzione.

La Ran è distribuita sull’intero territorio nazionale, con maggiore densità nelle zone ad alta sismicità. La rete è gestita da personale specializzato del Servizio Rischio Sismico dell'Ufficio attività tecnico-scientifiche per la prevenzione e previsione dei rischi del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile.